Age of empires 2 scout rush build order
Age of empires 2 scout rush build order

age of empires 2 scout rush build order

Once done with the boar, send villagers to collect sheep.You cannot afford a second lumber-camp this early due to the need of building a barracks and stable. Send two villagers to the first wood-line.

age of empires 2 scout rush build order

If you struggle with this, send three villagers from boar to place a mill on your deer, however this will delay your stable time. Send your next villager to lure the next boar.Send the next three villagers to berries.Send the next villager to lure your boar.Send the house villagers to collect sheep also. Send three villagers to collect sheep.Upon beginning the game, send two villagers to build a house, and the other to build another house.Objective 1: Advance to the Feudal age at 18 population For that reason, in match-up’s or play styles where early aggression is favored, Mongols are simply one of the best go-to picks.

age of empires 2 scout rush build order

Overall, this rush is very effective due to the speed of it but it can be quite predictable.The 18 population Mongol scout rush is one of the fastest rushes in the game, capable of derailing your opponent before they have even reached the Feudal Age. If your enemy manages to mass up a few spearmen, add a range and make some skirmishers to counter them. When you are raiding, it’s a good idea to keep them on stand ground so that they don’t follow villagers to the town centre and get shot. Watch out for spearmen and continue to use hit and run tactics as you would with any scout rush and you should be fine. This means that you can go and raid their economy and kill villagers. With this build order, you should be able to reach your enemy base before they have had the chance to fully wall up. The AOE2 Mongol Scout rush at either 16 or 18 population is great on any open map, but really excels on maps with lots of boar and deer like Scandinavia and valley. Their civ bonus is that huntable food is collected more quickly that other civilizations and gives them a huge boost in food. The reason that this build order is possible at 18 population is due to the Mongol civ bonus. This one is easier to do and still super fast. The 16 population scout rush is really tight and involves pushing deer to your town centre. This 18 population scout rush is only beaten only by the Khmer and the Mongol 16 population scout rush. The AOE2 Mongol Scout Rush build order is one of the fastest Scout Rushes in the game.

Age of empires 2 scout rush build order